Birds of Goiás: information for conservation
Description: The avifauna of the state of Goiás has been studied since the 19th century and is currently estimated to have 558 species. However, there are several gaps in the ornithological knowledge in the region that, associated with devastation of more than 65% of the Cerrado, make it urgent to carry out systematic surveys of bird species in the region. In this project, we intend to: (1) evaluate gaps in ornithological knowledge and define priority areas for investigation in Goiás, (2) carrying out inventories in sites with little or no ornithological knowledge, (3) assess the conservation status of the Cerrado for the state's avifauna, (4) build a collaborative database about the avifauna of Goiás, and (5) publish the book “Aves de Goiás”. Specific methodologies such as sampling survey points and Mackinnon lists will be used for the construction of the database, in addition to three other sources: (a) literature review, (b) specimens in museums; and (c) online databases. The results obtained here will be publicized for researchers, government agencies, birdwatchers, and the public. Also, the information will serve to build conservation strategies for birds and their environments in the state.
Status: 2016 - current
Institution: UFG
Team members: Arthur Bispo / Carlos Bianchi / Shayana de Jesus / Marcelo Lisita Junqueira / Ricardo Ribeiro da Silva / Maressa Rodrigues